13 February 2008

what a coincidence...

huhu...actually i have met this guy last year in the train when me and my housemates went to Cairo(halfway trip before go to Sinai)....i can't believe it at first that he can speak bahasa melayu fluently(ok la kan,bukannya teruk sangat,lagi2 when he can speak in loghat kelate....huhu..

when he enter the train from Tanta and he stand just 1meter in front of us,we felt stranged(little bit of afraid also) when he always look at us(like curi2 pandang)...then,after about half an hour later,he started converse with us and i remember clearly the first word he asked us

"where are u come from??(in english)

but then,when we answered that we came from Malaysia,abruptly terus dia cakap melayu.. all 5 of us were astonished...how come pak arab can speak malay..The first person that we meet can speak melayu dengan lancarnya....huhu..can't believe it..then,he storied us about how he can speaks Malay...his stay in Malaysia..how much he likes "BUDU"...n bla..bla...

after arrrived at Ramsis Train Station in Cairo,we were part aparted...before that,he got a chance to give us his business card...

this is the card..i'm still keep it in my dompet...huhu

But then,someone remind us to be careful...just maybe that it is a trap...a trap for girls like us which are not matured enough to analyse whether it is lie or not.....ya ker we are not growing yet??huhuu...after all,we realised the circumtances and the result of our action(layan dia bercakap)...ya..maybe...we don't knew what other peoples think right??

Then,after asar we stepped at Ma'rad Kutub(annual event in Egypt)..and we met him again n he asked"nak gi mano??"...but as we were afraid, all of us run immediately as faster as we can ...takut la...i'm felt like my heart undergo tachycardia right then...huhu...so afraid...then,we went back to ARMA...n went to SINai..

months by months.. we don't ever talk about him as we accused him as a bad person...huhu..

and the time flow 24 hours per day...
but then...can u guess what happened??

we were very suprised when we saw him in You Tube interviewed by TV3...aaaaaaa......so,he said the truth then...he is innocent...he is good man readily...huhu..we were very sorry ustaz...

so,my friend...

never never and never judges people with the first sight just like the phrase of "never judge a book by it's cover"...... before u accused them jahat or baik,u must know about them first...tak kenal makan tak cinta...but then,u also must remember to be careful with foreign peoples(orang yang baru2 kenal) as we don't knew much about them and we already knew that in this world there are some human have a heart that masked with a dark blood and some of them with a white blood..

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