minggu ni saya masuk"cardiology department"lak.Best tu memang best tapi masyallah time ascultate patient's heart nak dengar murmur(abnormal heart sound) tu punyala susah..bukan susah nak dengar sebab memang dengar cuma time nak differentiate ni murmur apa....ni murmur apa....fening2 lalat rasanya...
maka saya dengan bersemangatnya berazam untuk mendengar murmur2 ni banyak2 kali sampai la boleh bezakan..yoshhhhhh
maka saya dengan bersemangatnya berazam untuk mendengar murmur2 ni banyak2 kali sampai la boleh bezakan..yoshhhhhh
normal heart sound...lub dup...lub dup...lub dup..lub dup....
lub means S1-mitral and tricuspid valve closure
dup means S2-pulmonary and aortic valve closure
Aortic regurge cause early diastolic soft blowing murmur best heart at the 2nd aortic area(3rd left intercostal space at the parasternal line) may propagate to the apex and pulmonary area decrease slightly with inspiration but increase when patient sitting and lean forward.
Aortic stenosis cause early diastolic soft blowing murmur best heart at the 2nd aortic area(3rd left intercostal space at the parasternal line) may propagate to the apex and pulmonary area decrease slightly with inspiration but increase when patient sitting and lean forward.
mitral stenosis cause mid diastolic rumbling murmur with opening snap and presystolic accentuation best heard at the apex not propagate decrease slightly with inspiration but increase when patient lying on left lateral position and doing exercise.
mitral regurge cause harsh pansystolic murmur best heard at the apex propagate to the left axilla decrease slightly with inspiration but increase when patient lying on left lateral position.
p/s:sebenarnya banyak lagi abnormal heart sound tapi yang 4 ni paling penting untuk kita tahu betul2 sebab more common than other abnormal heart sound.May Allah ease our way insyallah....=)
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