14 August 2012

sodium valproate toxicity

today during clinical rotation in the paediatric ward,dr showed me a case of a 8 months infant with previous hx of febrile convulsion and the infant condition now became worsen as he also had an overdose of sodium valproate causing hepatotoxicity that lead to hepatic encephalopathy.

why there was drug overdose?
it's because his mother just went to the nearby pharmacy and said that his baby had convulsion and this pharmacist without delay just prescribed anticonvulsant drug for this poor infant without asking anything.It's more shocking when this pharmacist prescribed dose of anticonvulsant of an adult dose.
masyallah...what a big mistake!!

His mother without knowing anything just gave this drug to her baby and when her baby's condition not improve and became worsen from day to day,she became afraid and came to the paediatric hospital.

But,it's too late.Her baby came to the hospital with disturb conscious level and liver insult.Now,the doctors tried hard to make the baby become well again.Insyallah....May Allah save this baby's life.

moral of the story:

1.to all-please seek for medical advice from a doctor before u buy any drug in the pharmacy.It's common here for Egyptian people,when they had some problem they go to pharmacy instead of going to hospital.Please remember carefully that you must not take your problem slightly as you may not know that  maybe this small problem actually is a big problem.There was a case when this man always complained of headache(sakit kepala) and he usually took pain killer to relieve the pain.For years he suffered from this headache and he just assumed he had some sort of migraine.But then,one day he collapsed and brought to the hospital .When the doctor did CT brain for him,doctor found a mass in his brain which actually is a brain tumor/cancer in the late stage.

2.to the doctor/pharmacist -please don't make such a horrible mistake that can trouble and harm your patient.As a human being we can't skip from doing a mistake but this is not a reason for us to do a mistake.We can avoid it if we take a good history,examine our patient carefully and treat our patient with sincerity.Insyallah everyone of us can be a good physician/pharmacist and please start this good attitude from now(as a student) OK!!

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