30 May 2008

dekat tapi jauh...

Saya tertarik dengan status seorang sahabat pada petang itu yang berbunyi"dekat tapi jauh".Berbagai persoalan muncul di benak fikiran saya lantas saya menanyakan sahabat itu "apakah contohnya perkara yang dekat tapi jauh ni?"Nasib tak menyebelahi saya kerana sahabat itu menyuruh saya memikirkannya sendiri,mana tahu katanya lagi banyak yang saya boleh tafsir.."huhu..

Fikiran saya mula menerawang and my neuron start to generate to find the answer behind this uncertain phrase..


perkara pertama yang terlintas di fikiran saya ketika otak saya mula berfungsi ialah pandangan kita terhadap sesuatu perkara.kadang2 kita nampak sesuatu benda itu sangat dekat dan hampir dengan kita,tetapi hakikatnya ia bukanlah seperti yang kita sangka.Sebenarnya benda itu terlampau jauh untuk kita gapai,terlalu sukar untuk kita perolehi,terlalu banyak ranjau yang datang menghalang menyebabkan ia makin jauh dan terus jauh dari kita.Saya tanya pada diri saya,apa pula contohnya?

Contoh yang paling terdekat yang saya boleh utarakan dalam kehidupan seharian kita sebagai seorang pelajar medic ialah view kita in the future that we will be a doctor about few years from now.Saya mengaku dengan ikhlasnya,saya sendiri dah lihat kehidupan saya sebagai seorang doktor,bekerja di wad2 hospital merawat pesakit dan berkhidmat demi masyarakat khususnya.Tapi,saya ingin bertanya kepada anda semua adakah kita yakin bahawa impian kita ini akan tercapai?Adakah jalan ini terlalu mudah untuk kita susuri sehingga kita boleh goyang kaki sahaja meniti hari demi hari?Adakah tiada duri-duri yang perlu kita lalui di sepanjang perjalanan kita?

Persoalan demi persoalan menerjah fikiran saya yang membuatkan saya terpana seketika..Ya Allah,sesungguhnya jalan yang aku sangka sangat mudah dan dekat itu sebenarnya amat payah dan sukar..Jika Allah S.W.T telah mentakdirkan saya untuk tidak menjadi doktor satu hari nanti,apa yang saya boleh buat?Adakah saya terlalu yakin sehingga boleh melawan kuasa Allah?Semestinya tidak sama sekali..Sekiranya,Allah mentakdirkan saya gagal setiap kali ambil exam tentulah juga impian saya akan terkubur ditelan masa..Sesungguhnya perjalanan kehidupan manusia telah ditentukan oleh Allah sejak azali lagi..Jadi,janganlah kita sangka bahawa yang dekat itu sebenarnya dekat dengan kita..

Aspek kedua yang saya dapat simpulkan ialah hati dan perasaan seorang manusia..Contohnya,

situasi pertama:kita bersahabat baik dengan seseorang dan kita merasakan bahawa kita dan dia mempunyai banyak persamaan dari segala segi.Apabila berjumpa dengannya pun hati kita merasa tenang dan tenteram walaupn ketika itu diri dirundung masalah bertimbun..Namun kerana hati kita dekat dengan hati dia,segalanya dilupakan...

situasi kedua:kita bersahabat baik dengan seseorang,namun setiap kali bertemu,hati kita merasa tidak tenteram..Macam ada yang tak kena.Walaupun takderla bertekak sampai tumbuk menumbuk atau tarik-tarik rambut tapi hati kita merasa jauh dengan dirinya.Bagaimana pula dengan hati kita dengan dirinya?Dekat atau jauh?

Dapat tak perbezaannya?

Dalam kedua-dua situasi menggambarkan dua sahabat baik.Dua-dua selalu jumpa,selalu bertemu tapi bagaimana pula dengan hati mereka?Berbeza bukan?

~~dekat di mata dan dekat di hati..
~~dekat di mata dan jauh di hati...

Akhirnya persoalan saya terjawab jua.Mungkin ada banyak lagi contoh yang boleh kita simpulkan.Namun,apa yang saya ingin tegaskan di sini,yang dekat di mata mungkin jauh di hati dan yang jauh di mata mungkin dekat di mata.Walau apa pun tafsiran kita tentang ungkapan ini,apa yang paling penting biarlah kita menjadi seorang hamba yang dekat di mata Tuhan dan moga hati kita tak pernah jauh dari rahmat dan keberkatan dari Tuhan yang esa..Bukankah itu yang paling penting wahai sahabat semua??..

Dalam sebuah pencarian kehidupan yang sempurna moga kita tidak jauh dari jalan yang telah kita sematkan dalam diri.Moga yang jauh itu kita boleh dekatkan dan yang dekat itu boleh kita dekatkan lagi..


23 May 2008

24 ways to stay happy in each 24 hours..

1. Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape and health.

2Put Allah first in your life.

3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a booklet having supplications and read them.

4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).

5. If someone says something mean to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laid back manner, and pray that Allah shall forgive them.

6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and think that how short and worthless life is to waste in being angry.

7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your creation (live for Allah).

8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thanks Allah for that, and pray it's continuation.

9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,and thank Allah that it's not worse than it is.

10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a poor person, or caressing an orphan's head.

11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work for it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves.
12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.

13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him (those who are enemies of Him).

14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence (this is tough!!).

15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He is watching you.

16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah to guide them to the right path.

17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads, and always obey them unless they stop u at Allah's orders.

18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or her and you are rewarded.
19. Forgive, forget and smile.

20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beings with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when remembering Allah.

21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions and see if they please Allah or not. If they didn't,then ignore them and remember how the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabat were criticized, made fun off and even physically harmed, so have patience.

22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing not just passing your eyes through the words.

23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more than gain.

24. Never look down on anybody as maybe from Allah's look, the are better than you.

So,there's no reason for u to be unhappy..Always smile and grateful that u still had chance to live for today and doing the good things to reach Allah blessings..:-)

19 May 2008

a thoughtful day...

As usual,we had our skill class today(Monday)from 2-4 p.m..Sometimes(sometimes ok not usually) i felt tired and sleepy at this time..I think most all of my section class partners had same symptom just like me right?NO!!NO!!elele...Just admit it la my friend..:P

But,it's really differ for today.Guess what?hehe..we had chance to see a real patient that manifest jaundice.Jaundice is yellow discolouration of the skin,sclera and mucous membrane due to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. I will not tell u details about the patient's background because it is non ethical and obliged to mention the patient's name or any information that can lead to recognization of this patient and also to prevent any harm or manipulation of the patient's data and his life(application of Medical Ethics..huhu)..

Then,the times came when the professor asked for volunteer and for sure there will be no one that are willing to do so.Moreover we must speak arabic with this patient.Then,the professor looked at me with her gleaming eyes and said,"can u come first,just only to take the history taking of the patient.We will help u to go through"Then,i just stand up and come nearer to the patient..

Although i'm felt a bit nervous as this is my first patient(there's 4 years more for us before graduated but i'm felt lucky that we had opportunity to see the patient now when we are in 2nd year).Then i just proceed by asking the patients some questions related to him-name,age,marrital status,occupation and so on..After that my collegues continue the rest-->symptoms,since when he developed this jaundice,past history,any realted disease,past medical treatment, etc..

After all,actually we were so fortunate bacause this patient can speak english also but not fluently.But,it's had help us more in diagnosis his disease.Point also must be given to our Professor that willing to become a transilator for us when the patient speak arabic word(with a very low voice and speed up frequency) that we don't understand at all into english..Although there is lack of communication between us and the patient but for me it's not burden us too much and it's so great to learn some arabic medical word.

Now, we come to the complaint of the patient.Let's all go through it together to understand it better.There are:
~weakness and fatigue
~lack of concentration when doing something
~changes in the colour of urine and stool
~stool is very hard in consistency
~pain in abdomen region(pointed to his stomach)

He added that he didnt noticed at first that he had yellow discolouration of his sclera but this symptom was noticed by his family-So,family concernity is important of course.

Professor told us that after some medical investigation and examination this patient actually had been infected by Hepatitis C Virus that cause cirrhosis of his liver.On top of that there is also tumor that present also at his liver..Hmmm...I'm felt empathy to him.

We had been given some time to check the patient by ourselves.I had chance to touch the lower limb of the patient that show pitting edema..why there is edema manifestation in this patient?It is because his liver was already impaired and can't functioning well like the normal liver.So,in this case the patient had hypoproteinemia that lead to decrease oncotic pressure in the blood that lead to failure of reabsorption of water thus lead to accumulation of water in the interstitial space between the tissue.

This patient also had tremors.This is diagnosed when we tried to stretch(hyperextension) his hand backward then after we set it free,we saw his hand contract uncontrollable for a few seconds.I tried to do so,(Alia put me in her experiment),and i'm stunned as my hand also had tremors.Did I had undetectable disease?Fortunately, professor explained that occasional tremor is felt by almost everyone, usually as a result of fear or excitement. We are shaking when the examination is about to start right?However, uncontrollable tremor related to certain disease.In this case,there is increase in ammonia level due to impaired liver function.Ammonia can pass Blood Brain Barrier(BBB)and affect CNS or neurological system of a person..

At the end of the section,I asked the professor why this patient had jaundice for a long time,reach to 2 years?is it this can't be treated?Professor then told me that his liver began to deteriorate,although the symptoms is been reduced but the fact is the liver's condition began more worse.The treatment now is just to reduce the symptoms of the patient.It's too late to perform operation for removal of the tumor.Masyallah.I'm very shocked to hear this.So,that's mean this patient in front of me will die within several years from now.I'm not denied that we as human being will die ,but how come i can hidden my feeling of sympathy and pity to him and his family..

Someone also asked if his liver was damaged then why didn't the liver transplant is not performed.The professor sighed and said that this is one big problem because it is very difficult in Egypt to perform liver transplantation.If i;m not mistaken prof also said that it is illegal to do that in Egypt.But,i'm not sure yet..I will go for a confirmation with prof tomorrow..

At last,although he can't be considered to be my first patient,but he is the first real patient i met in the 2 years i had studied medicine.I will not ever forget this time and i hope that one day,in the future there will be an advanced and high technology with a revolution of surgical equipments that can help us to remove and treat the patient with tumor although it is in the final stage..Is it sounds ridiculous?nope,right?Nothing is impossible unless Allah said that it can't be done...insyallah...

18 May 2008

kerna dia adalah A..

Di kala petang yang sungguh tenang itu,
rinduku padanya datang menjegah lagi,

lantas hatiku menjadi sayu,

air mata seakan-akan ingin mengalir,
menuruni laju pipi ini,
Aku lantas berkata,

"kuatlah wahai hati,sepertimana kuatnya hati Saidatina Aisyah."

Dia lelaki yang amat aku cinta,
Cintaku padanya terlalu mendalam,
kasih sayangku padanya terlalu padu,

kukuh tersemat di dalam kalbuku..
Seakan bisa ku korbankan segalanya untuk dia..

Dialah A..

seringkali bayangan wajahnya menerpa diriku..

merentasi seuntai pemikiranku,

meniti setiap pernafasanku..

alangkah indahnya hidup ini,
jika dapat bersama dengannya..

Namun tiada siapa dapat melawan kehendak takdir..

A pergi meninggalkan diriku sendirian..

Terkapai-kapai da
lam kelemasan,
Aku mencari secebis ruang untuk bernafas

ditambah ombak kejam tsunami..
Mengganas membunuh mangsa,

lantas tsunami menjadi rahsia diri..

ditelan kedukaan yang melanda sanubari..

Walau ku cuba untuk menerima hakikat kebenaran,
permulaan kehidupan pastinya berakhir dengan kematian,
kerap aku tersadung di permukaan jalanan,
terpesong dari sebuah kenyataan itu,
Ego menyelubungi,
Menafikan takdir yang ditetapkan..

Ku cuba kuatkan diriku,

ku cuba gagahkan langkahku,

ku cuba berjuang sepenuh hati
kerana ku tahu matlamatku,

kerana ku tahu arah tujuanku..

Jika dia berada di sisi,

Pastinya dia akan turut berbangga,
impian kecilku semakin hampir,
Ku ingin hadiahkan secebis kegembiraanku,
lantas ku panjatkan doa dan al fatihah,
Moga A ditempatkan di kalangan orang soleh,

Orang yang mendapat keberkatan sentiasa..

Tanah kubur itu sudah lama tidak ku jengah,

Berubahkah pokok rendang itu?
Masih tersusun rapikah kuburan itu?
Lama sudah aku di bumi Anbiya'
Meniti hari demi hari,

usia menginjak tanpa ku sedari,

Entah esok entah lusa,
Izrail datang menjemputku pula,
bersediakah aku untuk bertemuNya?

Andai masa dapat diputar kembali,
Ingin ku curahkan sepenuh kasih sayangku kepadanya,
Ingin ku genggam tangannya sehingga ke hari tua..
kerana dia,aku di sini,

kerana dia,aku ada di tanah ini,
kerana dia, aku menjadi aku,
kerana dia tiada gantinya..

kerana dia adalah A...

13 May 2008

principle of medical ethics..

Recently,we have been taught of an interesting subject which concern on the physician role in community entirely...I found it was attracted me the most(in the 2nd sem )rather than any other subject.what i mean it is better than learning biochemistry,anatomy,physiology or other subjects we took for this sem.why i like this subject.There are several reason and the most of everything is because i never feel sleepy during the lecture of Medical Ethics..huhu..i'm just felt so great and my heart beat faster during the lecture...hehe..

Now i will tell u the general principle of Medical Ethics..

The first item is BENEFICENCE.

What this word mean actually?Let me tell u that in this context the physician must always think and act for the
patient's beneficial,in consideration about the patient's health and condition.Besides that,The physician also must be fair to all the patient without being arrogant or unfair to differ the patient's according to their economical status,race,religion or occupational status.So,there is no reason to the physician to treat the rich person or their close relatives with a better treatment and be nicer to them than any other patients..All pati
ent must get an equal care and treatment from us,the physician.All patient is same when they come to us..I wonder can i practice this attitude if one day the sick patient is my mom(just an example).How come i don't give more care and concentration to my mum than other patients.It's really difficult to be done right?

Secondly is AUTONOMY..

It is defined as the right of the patient to choose his decision.i'm still remember when the lecturer said that we as a physician doesn't have the right to force the patient when they resist our opinion although it is profitable for the patient.As an example when a man come to us and said that he suffered from severe abd
ominal pain about 3 weeks ago and after some diagnosis and investigation we found that he had final stage of tumor. Then,we recommended him to do the surgery to remove the tumor immediately otherwise he will die.But,unfortunately,he denied our decision and said that he didn't want to do the surgery.He rather to die than do the surgery.Then,what can we do??Can we force him to do the surgery?Of course the answer is never.We can't ever force him as we must respect his decision although his decision will made him suffer or even die in front of our eyes..huh..Sincerely i can't be able to bear to see him dying..

Thirdly is the principle of NON-MELEFICENCE

This word practically means "do no harm"Please be more considerate to this word.DO NO HARM means we can't do anything that can put the patient into dangerous or harmful situation either we realise it or not.That's why physician is controlled under regulations that prevent them from doing anything beyond the limitation.Otherwise Physician can prescribed the medication uncontrollable by just following their heart.
The most applicable example of this phenomenon is the use of morphine in the dying patient. Such use of morphine clinically can ease the pain and suffering of the patient, but on the other hand morphine can give side effect which is depression of the respiratory system of the patient that can lead to the death of the patient.It's sound scary right?

This 3 aspects are the basic principle in Medical Ethics that prevent doctor from doing something which are malpractice,immoral and non beneficial to the community generally.I'm as a medical student felt that these principle are very important in medicine life as a guide to us throughly in our life as a physician and also just a warning for us to put all aspect in consideration before doing something that can give bad effect to the patients.

I'm also always remember the word from one of the lecturer that said,"u are differ from other peoples.People always observed you and your action although it is very simple but it had a very big circumstances that can affect other peoples.So,always being good as u will made a good impression and a good role model to the community to be followed of."

But,in certain condition i'm quite not agreed with some aspect in medical ethics.This is just my opinion.Don't made it a very big issue ok..why i don't disagree with is when the physician doesn't have the right to force the patient to change his decision when the patient already made it.

For me,what is the most important is to save the patient's life as long as we capable to do that(but of course we can't deny the fate which had been arranged by our Almighty).For me although the patient resist the treatment which is beneficial for them,i think that we as a physician must persuaded this patient to accept the treatment until he realised the advantage of doing that and eventually and accept it.Maybe the patient already give up as he already experienced that his friends also died with the same sickness although being treated off or he thought that there is no treatment for his sickness and what he want desperately is "just to die peacefully".

Is my opinion seem to be injustice or unfair to the patients?
after all,i'm doing this for the patient's beneficence just like the first principle right?

i left all of u with this two questions...But,me personally can said that it is not easy task for us(future doctor) to be a competent,skillful and responsible doctor for the community.There were many problem and challenges that we need to overcome all the way of our learning .The basic knowledge of medicine that we had not promise that we can be an awesome and excellent doctor in the future.This must be accompanied with the splendid,honesty character of ourselves for ease of the community.

So,what we are waiting for..Let's grab the chance to be a fantabulous and superb role model physician and made Islam stand up with us,always in our heart...insyallah..

12 May 2008

pada suatu hari..

sempena hari ibu ku karang sebuah sajak untuk ibu..

aku berdiri di tepi jendela sepi..
memandang sunyi suasana alam..
hatiku hiba..
diriku merintih..
mataku bertakung dengan air mata..

sudah lama aku di dunia ini..
menginjak umurku tahun demi tahun..
kini aku semakin dewasa..
terputar kembali kenangan di waktu kecilku..
membesarnya aku di bawah pautan kasih sayangmu..
terpeliharanya aku di bawah jagaanmu..

kini aku di sini..
dan dikau di sana..
terpisah di antara dua benua..
jauh beribu meter..

aku mencari sebuah kekuatan..
untuk terus berjuang..
meneruskan kehidupanku di sini..
walau terlau sukar dan penuh duri..
namun aku terus berdiri teguh..
kerana aku tahu harapanmu terhadapku..

andai aku lemah..
kau tiupkanlah semangatku..
andai aku terleka...
kau bangunkanlah aku dari mimpi indah itu..
andai aku telupa..
kau ingatkanlah aku
andai aku jatuh..
kau pimpinlah aku..

walau jarak memisahkan kita..
namun itu bukan penghalangnya..
kerna kasih antara anak dan ibu..
tiada batasan sempadannya..
tidak pernah padam dalam tiupan angin..
tidak pernah luput ditelan zaman..
tidak pernah malap walau ditutup cahayanya..

kasih ibu akan terus mekar seprti mekarnya bunga2 indah yang menenangkan hati yang memandang..walau ia akan layu pada suatu hari,namun benihnya akan terus bercambah dan berbunga dan kitaran ini akan terus berlaku selagi Allah mengizinkannya...begitu juga kasih ibu...akan terus tersemat di hati ini selagi mana roh berada dalam jasad..

cuba tanya pada diri?adakah anda sayang pada ibu anda?adakah anda sanggup berkorban untuk ibu anda sepertimana ibu anda untuk berkorban untuk anda??mengandungkan selama 9 bulan,bergerak kehulu kehilir membawa anda yang bukannya ringan bukan satu perkara mudah..hanya ibu yang benar-benar tabah dapat melalui rintangan ini dan bersyukurlah kerana anda sesungguhnya mempunyai seorang ibu yang sangat sabar dan tabah..

kadang-kadang kita terlalu malu untuk menunjukkan perasaan kasih kita kepada ibu kita..nak ucap sayang kat mak tu punyala malu tapi kat boyfriend ke girlfriend ker lain pulak ceritanya ya..sedangkan hakikatnya kita mengenali ibu kita dah terlalu lama berbanding kekasih hati kita tu..tapi inilah mentaliti sesetengah orang dari kita..salah mentafsir dan membezakan di antara kasih sayang sejati dan palsu..

jika anda masih mempunyai ibu,hargailah kehadiran mereka...jangan nanti anda menyesal apabila ibu anda telah tiada lagi...walau menangis air mata darah sekalipun tentu yang pergi tidak akan kembali lagi..berbaktilah kepada ibu anda sementara masih ada waktu..sementara masih ada kesempatan yang terluang luangkanlah masa untuk ibu anda...

saya sendiri sering mengatakan pada diri saya"kalaulah masa dapat diputar kembali,tentu aku.......namun mana mungkin jarum jam dapat diputar kerana masa sentiasa bergerak ke hadapan dan harapan saya hanya tinggal harapan,namun saya pasti adanya pertemuan untuk kami suatu hari nanti..insyallah,Allah itu Maha Kuasa...

07 May 2008

a sad day..

today i felt so sad..don't ask me why because i'm also don't know what is the cause...

it's just a feeling of being alone..
it's come deep from my heart...
it's made me lost my spirit..
my smiling face fade away..
my energy flew with the blowing of the wind..
i even can't concentrate in the class..

am i missing my family?
not that much because i just speak with my mum..
am i felt tired?
no,i had a good enough sleep yesterday night..
am i stress?
no,i had no problem before today...
am i felt frightened after the appoiment with the doctor?
emmm...maybe yes but only a little but this not affect me that much..

i'm hidden something of course..but i will not tell u because it's not important at all..i doen't think that this is the cause...only me and myself knew the secret..

as i asked myself a quite number of question and most of the answers were no,no and no i stopped asking..and my day become more gloomy and dull....

then,i remember a phrase from a song from Saujana entitled"Jendela Hati"

"aku ingin seriang kicauan burung,yang terdengar di jendela kehidupan"

i want to be like the birds..sing all around happily..
i want to be like the birds..fly freely safely..
i want to be like the birds..sleep peacefully at night..
i want to be like the birds..
i want to be like the birds...
i want to be like the birds...

but i'm more fortunately become a human with a mind...alhamdulillah...

لَقَدۡ خَلَقۡنَا ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ فِىٓ أَحۡسَنِ تَقۡوِيمٍ۬ (٤)

Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya (dan berkelengkapan sesuai dengan keadaannya). (4)

may i become happy after this day..:-)

02 May 2008

Malaysian Day

Malaysian Day...
3 Mei 2008

I'm sure that when i said this word" Malaysian Day" most of us(Alexandria U students) will remember the great memories that we all had before this day is coming through...just for this day,many of us had a mild stress(just a guess for the minimum impact),some of us got fever,headache,flu and many other symptoms.

But,what i can see from my observation,all of us had show a very great effort..Semua orang sanggup berjaga malam bersengkang mata,sanggup berpenat lelah,sanggup berulang alik ke sana ke sini just untuk siapkan tugas yang telah diamanahkan...i'm very impressed to see all these...Thanks to all of u...

I can't ever forget the memories in Kak Nawwar's House when everyone bertungkus lumus menyiapkan the special flowers decoration for VIP which reached about 150 flowers.This flowers decoration which are resemble our national flower,hibiscus or bunga raya..Kak Nawwar n Zeeda named this flower as "hibiscus rosa sinensis"..such a unique and pleasant name i think..

suasana pada masa itu memang sangat meriah...
dengan gelak ketawa...
dengan cerita dari setiap orang..
dengan gelagat setiap orang..
for sure this happy time is very difficult to be repeated as after this everyone will be very busy with their study and i will miss this time...certainly...

how about the tentative??Fortunately,the tentative that already had been done before doesn't need to be changed entirely..Kesian kat MC yang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh to convince prof that this ceremony will be held successfully..It's not easy to deal with orang arab..haishhh...

then this is the flow of Malaysian Day ceremony today..

10.15-10.40a.m:arrival of students
10.45-11.20a.m:arrival of VIP(supposed to be the VVIP should came at least at 11 a.m.but
u know what happen already..huhu..
11.30-11.35a.m:National Anthem
11.35-11.40a.m:Doa & Al-Quran recitation
11.40-12.oop.m:Video about Malaysia
12.00-12.30p.m:Speeches from Principle,Dean,Dato' Duta,
12.15-12.40p.m-:Dikir Barat
12.40-1.05 p.m:Prizes Giving Ceremony
1.15-2.20: Coffea Break and exhibition
3.15:Meal provides and going back home

Although this not follow the real tentative(the time i mean),but i'm relived that overall before the Coffea Break)it's only late for about 15 minutes..Alhamdulillah...Allah never forget us..

Dikir Barat performance was very energetic with the spontaneous action from awok2...just like the scene when Hafizuddin sing the hindustan song"akhi kulli hoya hoban"...all of u had done such a great effort guys..I'm always awaited before this day come and what can i say that all of u were a best team...sangat kemelayuan dengan theme that all of u always said"kita angkat ketuanan melayu"

sangat cute...very2 cute..with all the cute step and beautiful dance formation...heppi to say that i really loved zapin..

how can i say bad about this performance..they all very expertise nasyidians...although sometimes there is a few mistakes in tunes but nevermind..nasyid best!!!

although i doesn't like it much,but their performance was so good also...i'm just keep thinking it's not easy to play all that stuff...i mean with guitar,drum and other stuff that i didn't even knew their names...huk..huk..

the Malaysian exhibition..they made me more missing of Malaysia...with all the stuff about Malaysia how can my heart not even remember Malaysia..hehe...with that congkak,wau bulan,celebration in Malaysia,panorama in Malaysia,the wedding stuff with hantaran yang student gubah sendiri and others..

after all,i can said that i'm really satisfied with Malaysian Day today...although all of us were very tired but i'm sure all of u were very delighted and enjoyed it...your heart gleaming with the joyness right??said that i'm right..hehe..

But,never forget to say Alhamdulillah to our CREATOR that give us chance to feel all these..if He not allow us,we can never and never able to see,listen,moving all around and up down through the stairs or feel the joyness...

hope that we still can breath tomorrow...

wassalam bissawab.....