02 May 2008

Malaysian Day

Malaysian Day...
3 Mei 2008

I'm sure that when i said this word" Malaysian Day" most of us(Alexandria U students) will remember the great memories that we all had before this day is coming through...just for this day,many of us had a mild stress(just a guess for the minimum impact),some of us got fever,headache,flu and many other symptoms.

But,what i can see from my observation,all of us had show a very great effort..Semua orang sanggup berjaga malam bersengkang mata,sanggup berpenat lelah,sanggup berulang alik ke sana ke sini just untuk siapkan tugas yang telah diamanahkan...i'm very impressed to see all these...Thanks to all of u...

I can't ever forget the memories in Kak Nawwar's House when everyone bertungkus lumus menyiapkan the special flowers decoration for VIP which reached about 150 flowers.This flowers decoration which are resemble our national flower,hibiscus or bunga raya..Kak Nawwar n Zeeda named this flower as "hibiscus rosa sinensis"..such a unique and pleasant name i think..

suasana pada masa itu memang sangat meriah...
dengan gelak ketawa...
dengan cerita dari setiap orang..
dengan gelagat setiap orang..
for sure this happy time is very difficult to be repeated as after this everyone will be very busy with their study and i will miss this time...certainly...

how about the tentative??Fortunately,the tentative that already had been done before doesn't need to be changed entirely..Kesian kat MC yang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh to convince prof that this ceremony will be held successfully..It's not easy to deal with orang arab..haishhh...

then this is the flow of Malaysian Day ceremony today..

10.15-10.40a.m:arrival of students
10.45-11.20a.m:arrival of VIP(supposed to be the VVIP should came at least at 11 a.m.but
u know what happen already..huhu..
11.30-11.35a.m:National Anthem
11.35-11.40a.m:Doa & Al-Quran recitation
11.40-12.oop.m:Video about Malaysia
12.00-12.30p.m:Speeches from Principle,Dean,Dato' Duta,
12.15-12.40p.m-:Dikir Barat
12.40-1.05 p.m:Prizes Giving Ceremony
1.15-2.20: Coffea Break and exhibition
3.15:Meal provides and going back home

Although this not follow the real tentative(the time i mean),but i'm relived that overall before the Coffea Break)it's only late for about 15 minutes..Alhamdulillah...Allah never forget us..

Dikir Barat performance was very energetic with the spontaneous action from awok2...just like the scene when Hafizuddin sing the hindustan song"akhi kulli hoya hoban"...all of u had done such a great effort guys..I'm always awaited before this day come and what can i say that all of u were a best team...sangat kemelayuan dengan theme that all of u always said"kita angkat ketuanan melayu"

sangat cute...very2 cute..with all the cute step and beautiful dance formation...heppi to say that i really loved zapin..

how can i say bad about this performance..they all very expertise nasyidians...although sometimes there is a few mistakes in tunes but nevermind..nasyid best!!!

although i doesn't like it much,but their performance was so good also...i'm just keep thinking it's not easy to play all that stuff...i mean with guitar,drum and other stuff that i didn't even knew their names...huk..huk..

the Malaysian exhibition..they made me more missing of Malaysia...with all the stuff about Malaysia how can my heart not even remember Malaysia..hehe...with that congkak,wau bulan,celebration in Malaysia,panorama in Malaysia,the wedding stuff with hantaran yang student gubah sendiri and others..

after all,i can said that i'm really satisfied with Malaysian Day today...although all of us were very tired but i'm sure all of u were very delighted and enjoyed it...your heart gleaming with the joyness right??said that i'm right..hehe..

But,never forget to say Alhamdulillah to our CREATOR that give us chance to feel all these..if He not allow us,we can never and never able to see,listen,moving all around and up down through the stairs or feel the joyness...

hope that we still can breath tomorrow...

wassalam bissawab.....

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