28 January 2008
kawan itu bagaimana???
2)kawan tu bkn mcm maen SKATE. Mula-mula gosok..lepas tu pijak..
3)kawan tu bkn mcm maen RAGBI. Mula-mula tangkap.. dah dapat tendang..
4)kawan tu bknnya mcm PAMPERS.. dah pakai, buang..
5)kawan tu bknnya mcm BARANG KEMAS. Waktu baru beli pakai. Dah sengkek gadai.
6)kawan tu bkn mcm PELANGI. Hari cerah takde..hujan gerimis baru muncul..
7)kawan tu bkn mcm KERETA. Rosak skit,jual.. ambik kereta baru..
8)kawan tu bkn mcm CHIPSMORE.. skejap ade skjp tak de..
9)kawan tu bkn mcm BANK. Bila dah takde duit, pegi kat sana ambik.
10)lagi.....kawan tu mcm ape ye???? Haa..kawan tu mcm AWAK LA.. bila saya hantar msg, awak akan baca msg saya dgn teliti sampai habis.
Walau ape pun tanggapan org tentang kawan.. bagi saya, kawan tu penting. Seorang kawan takkan biarkan kawan dia menangis, sedih, berduka dan sebagainya. Kawan yg sejati adalah seorang kawan yang dapat diajak duduk dan berbincang tentang pelbagai perkara. Yang penting, seorang kawan akan sentiasa menghadiahkan senyuman kpd kawan-kawannya.. :)
27 January 2008
Bilakah damai
Bumi anbia menjadi padang jarak
Puing-puing runtuhan berserakan
Hanyir darah menyesak dada
Tubuh layu gugur bergelimpangan
Bertindih dalam kubur tanpa bernisan
Di hujung sana berjuta kelaparan
Di dera wabak yang menyiksakan
Anak kecil bertanyakan bimbang
Mengapa lena ibu terlalu panjang?
Di wajahnya mencerminkan kedukaan
Bilakah pula ayah akan pulang?
Suara tangis syair sendu
Menghiris kalbu
Bilakan berhenti kekejaman?
Bilakan terhapus penindasan?
Kemana hilangnya kemanusiaan?
Entah bila akan pulih keharmonian?
Sampai bila bersilih penderitaan?
Bila pula akan muncul ketenangan?
Bilakan damai akan menjelang?
Soalan yang masih tiada jawapan
emm....lately i'm quite being sensitive about this matter...sorry for that but i can't help it when my heart want to say something about this...pray to Allah to give a better life for them...
26 January 2008
7 Secrets To Overcome Your Stress
Stress has been attributed to one of the greatest causes of premature aging.
Indeed if you are someone who has a nagging stress or irritation about the same thing day after day that will actually cause a greater strain on your overall health and aging then if you were to jump out of a plane at 14,000 ft with a Yellow parachute.
Could You Imagine It? Very Heavy..
Now I know that sometimes we are going through one of those seasons of our lives where we external circumstances has added stress and problems to our lives.
That doesn't excuse you for allowing yourself to remain stressed and irritated, after all we all have free will and the ability to choose our emotions.
Here are my 7 powerful secrets on helping You overcome stress anytime, anywhere..
1. Get Physical.
A great reliever of stress is to get out and do something physical like go to the gym or go for a job.
The bonus is that this will not only take your mind of your stress, build up your cardiovascular system to better be able to withstand your stress on the body but it will also help to channel your stress and irritations on something physical.
2. Find a Friend.
Often times when we are stressed and irritated we just need a gentle ear to listen to. By voicing our feelings and what has caused us to be stressed we can become better aware at the cause of the stress and it may prove to show how insignificant it is or how over reacted we are to the situation.
3. Put things in perspective.
We become frustrated, stressed and irritated with things or circumstances when they don't meet our expectation. I mean if it met you expectation then why would you be frustrated.
The interesting thing about frustration and irritation is that, we only get that way if we think that the matter is within our control to change but we haven't been able to do it.
I mean if you saw a ball drop from a building you wouldn't get frustrated at the ball because you cant change gravity and its role in bringing the ball to the ground.
4. It's all Small Stuff Anyway.
It's funny how quick we are to get our emotions revved up when we get cut off from our lane, or find a queue the length of a football field when we just happen to be in a hurry.
While we may not be able to change any of these from happening to us we need to realize that its really only small stuff in the bigger scheme of your life. I mean if you are not even going to remember the event or situation in a years time than why get so worked up over it now.
If only you realize that most things you stress over is small stuff anyways then you will find that you have a greater appreciation of what you have in life.
5. Live With Gratitude.
Your emotions and thoughts will always be reflected in the word and circumstances you create in your life. If you have an inner turmoil within then it's no wonder that your world is stressed and messed up.
Be grateful for your health, your family and friends, the things that you have and the experiences you have had a chance to enjoy; good and bad.
Start your day with a sense of gratitude and you'll be amazed at how your life changes.
6. Understand That Change Is A Part Of Your Life.
The reason we can get stressed is that we feel a loss of control over our lives. We want things to be predictable and have a sense of certainty over our lives.
But what a boring life that would be. If you knew exactly how your life will pan out over the next decade then what's the point of living.
Embrace uncertainly, change and the spice of life. Learn to relax and go with the flow at what life tosses you and you'll actually enjoy the ride a lot more.
7. Get Over Yourself.
Last but not least you need to realize the world doesn't gravitate around you. As hard as that might seem for most people, it's true.
The world gravitates around the sun. The sooner you realize this the better it will be for you to manage your stress. So the next time someone takes too long to take your order at the restaurant, or...
when someone misses their deadline for something important that you've been waiting for just realize that they too have they own agenda, goals and they don't necessarily align with yours. Live with it.
By implementing the above ideas you will find that you will actually enjoy life more and become more conscious of the life you are living.
Dealing with stress is not as difficult as you might think. Remember, its all in your mind.
What have you got to lose?. Nothing.
putus asa??
Paling penting, jangan selalu menoleh ke belakang lagi, kerana ia akan 'menahan kita dari terus bergerak maju ke depan kerana tiap kali kita menoleh ke belakang, berbagai perasaan timbul. Tertekan, sedih, kecewa dan seribu satu macam lagi bersarang tiba-tiba di benak fikiran.
Kesannya, motivasi kita akan menurun dan mood kita akan berubah tiba-tiba. Lama-kelamaan fikiran-fikiran negatif mudah masuk ke dalam minda kita dan kesannya, kita jadi tak bersemangat, lemah longlai untuk meneruskan hari-hari yang mendatang.
sesungguhnya,Allah sayang pada hamba-hambanya. Dia takkan menurunkan musibah begitu saja, mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya dan menjadi tugas kita untuk menilai diri, apa yang kita buat dan sebanyak mana kita mengingati DIA satu masa dulu.
Walau tiada siapa yang mendengar jeritan suara batin kita, Dia sentiasa mendengar. Merintih, mengadu dan memuji namanya dalam doa-doa anda adalah perkara terbaik untuk dilalukan di saat tiada siapa yang boleh duduk bersama mendengar luahan hati anda.
Jadikan kesilapan masa lalu sebagai pembakar semangat ! Di kala orang mengecapi kesenangan, kebahagiaan dan kejayaan, kita juga berhak mencapai yang sama, hanya perlu mengatur strategi kita sendiri untuk mencapai semua itu.
Senaraikan 4 perkara yang kita mahu capai dalam hidup, sebab apa kita mahu mencapainya dan apa makna 4 perkara tersebut pada diri kita Seterusnya, cari siapa(fokus pada mak ayah terlebih dahulu) yang boleh support kita!!
Di saat kita tidak tahu ke mana mahu berjalan, kata hati dan naluri kita merupakan teman terbaik. Usaha membina hidup baru, tapi bila dah mencapainya ia merupakan satu kejayaan yang amat manis !!
24 January 2008
success or not???
i'm not attracted to him ok..but i don't agreed with his simple narrow minded..huhu..i can't believe that some people will think just like that..he said that "we don't need to work harder because at the end we will get certificate and become a doctor..oh,oh..i'm so astonished..how come he thought that to get something that he want to be (become a doctor) is really an easy task like eating the nut..did u know is there are any others that is easier than eating the nut??huhu..if u know tell me ok!!!
for me,as we are still being a student(moreover as a medical student) hardwork is very important-it is key of success added by keberkatan from ALLAH S.W.T..medical studies need us to evaluate our knowledges just no cincai-cincai,simple-simple but with true informations,all about facts and all these based on what we had learned..and what is more important that we,as a doctor need to realised is we are dealing with human body,creature that hve soul and mind-the complex and most [perfectful creature in this world) just like the Quran said:
Palestinians In eGypt...
RAFAH, Gaza 19 Jan. – Berpuluh-puluh ribu penduduk Gaza memasuki Mesir hari ini selepas pejuang Palestin memusnahkan tembok sempadan iaitu tindakan dramatik sebagai membantah penutupan semua pintu masuk oleh Israel yang mendapat sokongan Kaherah.
Penduduk Gaza berbondong-bondong memasuki kawasan sempadan itu dengan menaiki kereta, pedati dan berjalan kaki
Mereka dilaporkan membanjiri bandar Gaza di sempadan Mesir bagi membeli bahan api dan pelbagai barangan yang bekalannya kurang serta mahal berikutan tindakan rejim Tel Aviv menyekat pintu sempadan.
terkejut juga saya apabila membaca berita ini..kejadian ini berlaku di Rafah,Mesir..(berlaku di tempat saya belajar dan lebih terasa kerana kaki ini pernah menjejak kaki ke rafah pada musim summer ari tu..terasa melonjak-lonjak perasaan saya apabila melihat kebangkitan rakyat Palestin..apabila tenogk video kay you tube,terkejut jugak tengok rakyat Palestin mempunyai wang yang agak banyak untuk membeli bahan2 keperluan mereka...timbul persoalan saya,dari mana mereka dapat wang tu di kala kesempitan melanda diri mereka?ataupun sebenarnya mereka memang menyimpan wang untuk digunakan semasa waktu kecemasan??
oh my Lord,please help them faced on this zalim peoples...please help them fight for their life..please show the right way for them to stand on your road..please not leave them suffered....Ya Allah,please show that Islam is trustmost and righteous than any others ...please Ya Allah....
23 January 2008
being homesick
and then after a couple of minutes,handphone saya berbunyi menandakan ada msg baru masuk....ma rupanya...then i smile as read the messages:
homesick...homesick...nak balik Malaysia...i can't handle myself right now..huhu...but,after all, i'm realised that i really-really(1000000000000x) love my family..i need them to accompany me...i need them to hear my stories...i need them because i need them....it's just like people said,"to be seperated away from peoples that we love made us more appreciate their presence in our life"But for me neither distances nor time can make me forget all of those peoples that i have met,love with all my heart,and I will appreciate those peoples through all my entire life..(especially for my friends in Malaysia...i'm very sorry that i can't spend much time to all of you,but in my heart i always remember each one of you..
Through out all this day today,i felt very lonely..(aiyooo)i miss my mum very much like i want to fly to Malaysia right now..how come??if i have Doraemon maybe it cam be very simple...hehe..someone,(inside or outside))please help me!!!i miss my mum's babbling..although this is what i really hate before..i miss my mum's cooking(although before(sometimes) i want to tried new recipes...but now i felt that mum's babbling is for my goods sake and mum's cooking is the best food among others...
At the evening,tried to focus on my books but my mind fly to the future...I thought if i'm still alive throughout this year and have oppurtinity to go back to Malaysia,(insyallah,memang nak balik pun)my age is already 20 years old..n then after i had finished medicine study here, my age will become 24 years old(if there is no repeating year....go back to Malaysia..becoming more busy as a doctor and if jodoh datang bertemu (insyallah,but don't have calon yet)i will get married..more busy with more responsibilities..and then,when i can be together with my mum??to sleep with her??to shopping with her??aaaaaa......i'm still want to feel her love,hug and kiss..but is this can become a true as time passed silently??
At night,what a coincidence when someone also felt like me(homesick mode)..i'm not alone rupanya..hehe..she also felt the same like me..miss her home:-)..it's like we are just being a grown ladies...hehe...but that's made us think about our future,about our life,about our path..Is being separated away from our family to reach for success in our life(going to Mesir to study medicine)made our aim (to be a doctor of course)become more clear but then is our choice to be seperated away from our family made our relationship with our family become less kukuh than anyone else.. or opposite from that??
But,I believe as for me-by being seperated away from my beloved family to studying medicine here,made me more appreciate my family..become more sensitive to them..my love increase more and I promise myself that i will not become like Si Tenggang..insyallah...
after all,life is not easy..as long we are human being and walk along the road until reach our final destination there will be challenges and problems that we must faced on..that's made our life meaningful and interesting... so,don't give up SHAFORA BIBI..you can handle yourself as you are though girl(eh..eh...not girl..lady la...)
When you wake up in the morning
Do not expect to see evening
Live as though today is all that u have
p/s: nadiah,i believe you are a strong lady..so,let's together being a good person with a good passion in our heart..insyallah..luv u..:-)
21 January 2008
medical fact about farts
The gas inour intestines comes from several sources: air we swallow, gas seepinginto our intestines from our blood, gas produced by chemical reactions inour guts, and gas produced by bacteria living in our guts.
What is fart gas made of?
The composition of fart gas is highly variable. Most of theair we swallow, especially the oxygen component, is absorbed by the bodybefore the gas gets into the intestines. By the time the air reaches thelarge intestine, most of what is left is nitrogen. Chemical reactions betweenstomach acid and intestinal fluids may produce carbon dioxide, which isalso a component of air and a product of bacterial action. Bacteria alsoproduce hydrogen and methane.
But the relative proportions of these gases that emerge from our anal opening depend on several factors: what we ate, how much air we swallowed, what kinds of bacteria we have in our intestines, and how long we hold in the fart.
The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine. A nervous person who swallows a lot of air and who moves stuff through his digestive system rapidly may have a lot of oxygen in his farts, because his body didn't have time to absorb the oxygen.
According to Dr. James L. A. Roth, the author of Gastrointestinal Gas (Ch.17 in Gastroenterology, v. 4, 1976) most people (2/3 of adults)pass farts that contain no methane. If both parents are methane producers,their children have a 95% chance of being producers as well. The reasonfor this is apparently unknown. Some researchers suspect a genetic influence,whereas others think the ability is due to environmental factors. However,all methane in any farts comes from bacterial action and not from humancells.
What makes farts stink?
The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans in the mixture. These compounds contain sulfur. Nitrogen-rich compounds such as skatole and indole also add to the stench of farts. The more sulfur-rich your diet, the more sulfides and mercaptans will be produced by the bacteria in your guts, and the more your farts will stink. Foods such as cauliflower, eggs and meat are notorious for producing smelly farts, whereas beans produce large amounts of not particularly stinky farts.
Why do farts make noise?
The soundsare produced by vibrations of the anal opening. Sounds depend on the velocity of expulsion of the gas and the tightness of the sphincter muscles of the anus. Contrary to a popular misconception, fart noise is not generatedby the flapping of the butt cheeks. You can see proof of this in the close-up video footage of Carl Plant's fart on Mate-in-a-State .
Why are stinky farts generally warmer and quieter than regular farts?
Most fart gas comes from swallowed air and consists largely of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, the oxygen having been absorbed by the time it reaches the anal opening. These gases are odorless, although they often pick up other (and more odiferous) components on the way through the bowel. They emerge from the anus in fairly large bubbles at body temperature. A person can often achieve a good sound with these voluminous farts, but they are commonly (but not always!) mundane with respect to odor, and don't feel particularly warm. Another major source of fart gas is bacterial action. Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat as a byproduct as well as various pungent gases.The resulting bubbles of gas tend to be small, hot, and concentrated withstinky bacterial metabolic products. These emerge as the notorious, warm,SBD (Silent-But- Deadly), often in amounts too small to produce a good sound,but excelling in stench.
How much gas does a normal person pass per day?
On average, a person produces about half a liter of fart gas per day, distributed over an average of about fourteen daily farts. Whereas it may be difficult for you to determine your daily flatus volume, you can certainly keep track of your daily numerical fart count. You might try this as a science fair project: Keep a journal of everything you eat and a count of your farts. You might make a note of the potency of their odor as well. See if you can discover a relationship between what you eat, how much you fart, and howmuch they smell.
How does a fart travel to the anus?
One may wonder why fart gas travels downward toward the anus when gas has a lower density than liquids and solids, and should therefore travel upwards. The intestine squeezes its contents toward the anus in a series of contractions, a process called peristalsis. The process is stimulated by eating, which is why we often need to poop and fart right after a meal. Peristalsis creates a zone of high pressure, forcing all intestinal contents, gas included,to move towards a region of lower pressure, which is toward the anus. Gasis more mobile than other components, and small bubbles coalesce to fromlarger bubbles en route to the exit. When peristalsis is not active, gasbubbles may begin to percolate upwards again, but they won't get very fardue to the complicated and convoluted shape of the intestine. Furthermore, the anus is neither up nor down when a person is lying down.
Why do farts come out of your butt?
The butt is the location of the anus in humans, and by definition, a fart is an anal escape of intestinal gas. We should be grateful that we are not crinoids. Thecrinoid is a marine creature with a U-shaped gut, and its anus is locatednext to its mouth.
How long does it take fart gas to travel to someone else's nose?
Fart travel time depends on atmospheric conditions such as humidity, temperature and wind speed and direction, the molecular weight of the fart particles, and the distance between the fart transmitter and the fart receiver. Farts also disperse (spread out) as they leave the source, and their potency diminishes with dilution.Generally, if the fart is not detected within a few seconds, it will be toodilute for perception and will be lost into the atmosphere forever. Exceptional conditions exist when the fart is released into a small enclosed area suchas an elevator, a small room, or a car. These conditions limit the amount of dilution possible, and the fart may remain in a smellable concentration for a long period of time, until it condenses on the walls.
Why is there a 13 to 20 second delay between farting and the time it starts to smell?
Actually, the fart stinks immediately upon emergence, but it takes several seconds for the odor to travel to the farter's nostrils. If farts could travel at the speed of sound, we would smell them almost instantly, at the same time we hear them. Is it true that some people never fart? No, not if they're alive. People even fart shortly after death.
Do men fart more than women?
No, women fart just as much as men. It's just that most men take more pride in it than most women. There is a large variation among individuals in the amount of fart gas produced per day, but the variation does not correlate with gender. I have readthat men fart more often than women. If this is true, then womenmust be saving it up and expelling more gas per fart than men do. Do men's farts smell worse than women's farts? Scientific studies of farts show that women's farts have a higher concentration of odor-causing gases than men's farts, but men's farts have a larger volume. The two factors equalize out (the same number of stench molecules for both), so the odor is about the same.
At what time of day is a gentleman most likely to fart?
A gentleman is mostly likely to fart first thing in the morning, while in the bathroom. This is known as "morning thunder," and if the gentleman gets good resonance, it can be heard throughout the household.
Why are beans so notorious for making people fart?
Beans contain sugars that we humans cannot digest. The most offensive sugars, known as "flatulence factors" to scientists who research farts, are raffinose, stachiose, and verbascose. When these sugars reach our intestines, the bacteria go wild, have a big feast, and make lots of gas! Other notorious fart-producing foods include corn, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, milk, bread, eggs, beer, and raisins. People unable to digest milk due to lactose intolerance will suffer extreme flatulence if they consume dairy products. A friend ofmine had a dog who was exceptionally fond of apples and turnips. The dogwould eat these things and then get prodigious gas. A dog's digestive systemis not equipped to handle such vegetable matter, so the dog's bacteriaworked overtime to produce remarkable flatulence.
What things other than diet can make a person fart more than usual?
People whoswallow a lot of air fart more than people who don't. This can be curedsomewhat by chewing with your mouth closed, eating more slowly, and notgulping food or liquids. Chewing gum, smoking, and sucking on candy alsocan cause a person to swallow more air. Carbonated drinks give a personextra gas. Nervous people with fast moving bowels will fart more becauseless air is absorbed out of the intestines. Some disease conditions cancause excess flatulence. Going up in an airplane or other low-pressure environmentcan cause the gas inside you to expand and emerge as flatus. Tilting yourhead back and pouring a drink straight down your gullet (chugging) also leadsto an excess of swallowed air, and hence, farting.
Is a fart really just a burp that comes out the wrong end?
No, a burp emerges from the stomach and has a different chemical composition from a fart. Farts have less atmospheric gas content and more bacterial gas content than burps.
Is it harmful to hold in farts?
There are differences in opinion on this one. Certainly, people have believed for centuries that retaining flatus is bad for the health. Emperor Claudius even passed a law legalizing farting at banquets out of concern for people's health. There was a wide spread belief that a person could be poisoned or catch a disease by retaining farts. Doctors I have spoken to recently have told me that there is no particular harm in holding in farts. Farts will not poison you; they are a natural component of your intestinal contents. The worst thing that can happen is that you may get a stomach ache from the gas pressure. But one doctor suggested that pathological distention of the bowel could result if a person holds in farts too much. And Dr. P. said that the effort involved in retaining flatus can cause hemorrhoids.
how long would it be possible to not fart?
As I understand it, a captive fart can escape as soon as the person relaxes. This means that a lot of people who assiduously refrain from farting during the day doso at great length as soon as they fall asleep. Having been on a great many overnight field trips, long bus trips, and trans-Pacific flights, I can personally vouch for the fact that lots of people do fart voluminously as they dozeoff. So the answer to the question would be, you can refrain from farting as long as you can stay awake!
Do all people fart in their sleep?
I have not made a scientific study of this, but I don't think all people fart in their sleep. I think mainly those who refuse to fart when they're awake do so when dozing off. For other people, toilet training takes such a strong hold that they let nothing pass their sphincters in sleep. For these people, the gas accumulates in the night and they vent it upon awakening. Where do farts go when you hold them in? How often have you held in a fart, intending to release it at the first appropriate opportunity, only to find that the fart has disappeared when you are ready for it? I asked several doctors where the fart goes. Does it leak out slowly without the person knowing it? Is it absorbed into the bloodstream? What happens to it? The doctorsagree that the fart is neither released nor absorbed. It simply migratesback upward into the intestine and comes out later. It is reassuring to know that such farts aren't really lost, just delayed.
Is it really possible to ignite farts?
The answerto that is yes! However, you should be aware that people get injured igniting flatus. Not only can the flame back up into your colon, but your clothing or other surroundings may catch on fire. A survey done by Fartcloud (the site, alas! is no more) indicates that about a quarter of the people who ignited their farts got burned doing it. Ignition of flatus is a hazardous practice. However, if you want to try it, and you don't have a friend to light your fart for you, you might find it easier to accomplish the job using the Fartlighter. There have also been cases in which intestinal gases with a higher than normal oxygen content have exploded during surgery when electric cautery was used by the surgeon.
Why is possible to burn farts?
Farts burn because they contain methane (sometimes) and hydrogen, both of which areflammable gases. (Hydrogen was the same gas that was used in the ill fatedHindenburg dirigible.) Farts burnwith a blue or yellow flame. According to Dr. James L. A. Roth,a blue flame is indicative of the presence of methane in the flatus. Sincemethane producers are an elite group (only 1/3 of the population), an exclusiveclub called the Royal Order of the Blue Flame has been established thatis open only to them. Mate-in-a-State has video footage of flatus ignition. Observe the color of the flames.These people are not methane emitters.
Is it possible to light a match with a farts? No, even strike-anywhere matches have their limits, unless the fart has the consistency of sandpaper! Any fart that rough I would hesitate to call a fart. Also, farts have the same temperature as the body from which they emerge, and aren't hot enough to initiate combustion.
20 January 2008
19 January 2008
INdAhNYa TaNGan IbU..
Kami mengunjungi setiap butik yang menyediakan pakaian wanita, dan ibu saya mencuba sehelai demi sehelai pakaian dan mengembalikan semuanya. Seiring hari yang berlalu, saya mulai penat dan menunjukkan tanda2 protes.Saya nampak jelas riak2 kecewa di wajah ibu. Akhirnya pada butik terakhir yang kami kunjungi, ibu saya mencuba satu baju kurung yang cantik .
Saya menemani ibu masuk ke kedai itu(walaupun sebenarnya hati membantah), saya berdiri bersama ibu saya dalam fitting room, saya melihat bagaimana ibu mencuba pakaian tersebut, dan dengan susah payahnya mencuba untuk mengenakannya. Ternyata tangan-tangannya sudah mula dilumpuhkan oleh penyakit radang sendi dan dengan susah payahnya ibu mencuba untuk mengenakan baju itu ke badannya.
Seketika ketidaksabaran saya digantikan oleh suatu rasa kasihan yang amat mendalam kepadanya. Saya keluar dari kedai itu,memandang kereta yang bersimpang siur dan manusia yang terus berjalan tanpa menghiraukan sekeliling.Tanpa saya sedari air mata saya mengalir deras jatuh ke pipi. Setelah saya mendapatkan ketenangan kembali, saya masuk semula ke fitting room-ibu masih belum dapat mengenakan pakaian itu lalu saya membantu ibu mengenakan pakaiannya. Pakaian ini begitu cantik sekali dengan aturan bunga yang teratur, dan ibu mengakui pendapat saya lantas membelinya.
Kemudian pada malam harinya saya pergi ke kamar ibu saya mengambil tangannya, lantas menciumnya ... dan ibu nampak terkejut apabila saya memberitahunya bahwa bagi saya kedua tangan tersebut adalah tangan yang paling indah di dunia ini. Saya sangat bersyukur bahwa Tuhan telah membuat saya dapat melihat dengan sejelasnya-jelasnya, betapa bernilai dan berharganya kasih sayang dan pengorbanan seorang ibu. Saya hanya dapat berdoa bahwa suatu hari kelak tangan saya dan hati saya akan memiliki keindahannya tersendiri. Dunia ini memiliki banyak keajaiban, segala ciptaan Tuhan yang begitu agung, tetapi tak satu pun yang dapat menandingi keindahan tangan Ibu...
hargailah ibu anda sementara masih ada masa.. wallahuallam....
14 January 2008
Tiada bermaya,tiada upaya…
Kenapa hati ini seakan tiada erti??
Kenapa sendu sering menjengah diri??
Hatiku bertanya??
Mungkinkah tiadanya pelangi untukku??
Atau pelangi itu belum memunculkan diri…
Sendatnya fikiranku memikirkan sesuatu yang belum pasti..
Yang nyata aku tetap sendiri..
Walau di mata berjuta manusia
Namun di hatiku bagai tiada sesiapa..
Persoalan yang pasti akan menyakitkan jiwa…
Atau sebenarnya memang jiwaku yang sakit??
Ditambah dengan masalah yang dicipta sendiri??
Ceria wajahku menutup segala..
Namun di hati hanya luka yang kian menghiris..
Berjalan aku di lorong yang gelap gelita..
Mencari aluran cahaya..
Disebalik sinar yang kian malap..
Ya Allah…
Bantulah hambaMu ini..
Jangan biarkan aku terperangkap disini…
Tunjukkan cahaya itu..
Agar aku bisa terselamat…
Walau hanya cebisan..
Tetap aku menginginkannya…
Hati yang masih mencari sebuah kepastian…
11.35 malam(14 januari)
sedikit pengulasan:
actually right now,i'm studying pharmacology...tomorrow i will have a practical exam for this subject...this morning the practical anatomy already subsided with a relief(one already gome)..ohh..maybe this feeling of blur came from the tiredness from anat time yesterday..(there is a lot of info that needed to be read,repeated until memorizing it with a good pronouncation)let's make an example...say bullae ethmoidalis,or sphenoidal air recess,or hiatus semilunaris,and dll)....awful....i think that i spent almost my time at my beatiful and favourite place(at my meja study)...sigh.... i'm not give up really...,but,we are human being right..sometimes when we pushed ourselves too much until reached the max level...our heart will said that this is not we want...(that's what i'm felt right now)
i'm always cheerish myself for choosing to become a doctor because really i knew now that this field is really tough and need a lot of patience,strength(either physical or rohaniah) and only some people can able to bear with this feeling of studying...for me, what's more important is that i'm realised that practising medicine made me more near to my "khalik".In this field,the concept of "tawakkal" to Allah after made a bombastic effort is really important...that's what i see..and for me this is "ujian" for me...ujian during the exam moment....of course...no doubt about it...
so,chayo!!!chayo!!!insyallah,i can do it...
12 January 2008
dipetik dari lagu belaian ibu oleh Hijjaz.........
Di jiwa insan yang mendambakan kebahagiaan
Oh... ibu
Di bahumu tergalas beban
Perjalananmu penuh rintangan
Kau titipkan kasih sayang
Sejujur pengorbanan
Tak ku nafikan
Di saat kita berjauhan
Rasa ingin ku berlari
Mendakapimu penuh girang
Bak si kecil kehilangan
Kau insan penyayang
Betapa ku merindu
Lembutnya belaian ibu
Membuatku terlena
Di wajah terlukis tenang
Debar di dada kau rahsiakan
Ku pastikan dikau aman
Dikurnia sejahtera
Tak ku lupakan
Di saat kita berjauhan
Rasa ingin ku berlari
Mendakapimu penuh girang
Bak si kecil kehilangan
Tiada aku tanpa ibu
Hanya (kau) satu didunia
Bertakhta dikau dijiwaku
Kau lah ibu yang tercinta
Kau insan pengasih
Betapa aku mengharap
Hadirnya restumu ibu
Membawaku ke syurga
Bersemi belaian kasih sayang nan berpanjangan
Darimu insan yang mendoakan kebahagiaan anak-anakmu
Oh... Ibu
10 January 2008
~~BiLa ExAm menJeLmA~~
Realiti makin menghampiri…
Tachycardia,dyspnea antara symptom…
Bila jer perkataan exam disebut….
buku phsio(tahun 2) yang agak2 tebal
Tapi,tapi,tapi(tiru gaya ipin)
Jangan kita dibelenggu dengan semua ni,sampai taknak solat(takut rugi masa),taknak mengaji(baca Al-Quran,takut terleka….ish…ni bukan cara yang betul..
Dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan semestinya niat kita kena diikhlaskan kerana Allah S.W.T lebih-lebih lagi dalam menuntut ilmu.Jangan pula kita menjadi sebagaimana hadis Rasulullah "sesiapa yang bertambah ilmunya tapi tidak bertambah petunjuk (yakni belajar dengan niat selain kerana Allah) tidak akan bertambah darinya kecuali semakin jauh dari Allah.
Hayati pula firman Allah dalam Surah Al-Maaidah ayat 35:
Wahai orang2 yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah,carilah wasilah (jalan) untuk sampai kepadanya, dan bersungguh-sungguhlah diatas jalan tersebut semoga kamu menjadi orang yang berjaya.
Bukan senang untuk memperoleh kejayaan.Oleh itu, kita harus memikirkan langkah-langkah yang terbaik untuk menjayakan matlamat kita dalam belajar .Antaranya hadir ke kuliyah(saper2 yang tak datang kuliah tu,lain kali rajin2kanlah mai kuliah ya),ulangkaji berulang kali(jangan cepat bosan,bak kater prof,repetition made perfection), tambahkan dengan bacaan luar(info dalam tenet ker), cari kaedah membaca dan mengingat secara cepat dan tepat dan sebagainya.
Seterusnya, kita haruslah berusaha sedaya upaya dan segigih mungkin untuk mencapai apa yang kita inginkan.Hadapilah apa jua rintangan yang menimpa dengan hati yang tabah dan sabar kerana pasti ada ganjaran yang menanti di hadapan sana…insyallah…
Insyallah,jika kita istiqamah melakukan semua ini,kita akan menjadi orang yang berjaya bukan sahaja dalam pelajaran malah akan berjaya memperolehi ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk diri kita dan juga dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain. Seterusnya,setelah berusaha kita kena la bertawakkal kepada Allah.
Mungkin ada orang Tanya,:camne caranya nak bertawakkal pada Allah?”maksudnya kita berserah kepada Allah.Apa jua keputusan yang kita akan dapat nanti harus kita terima dengan penuh redha dan sabar(samada cemerlang atau fail).
“Camne pula nak pupuk sikap tawakkal dalam diri ni?”Tanya seorang lagi…(contoh ya)..
Senang je jawapannya…
Kita kena ada sikap mengenal diri sendiri(keupayaan kita ni setakat mana), menyedari kelemahan kita(cthnya kita ni susah betul bab2 menghafal ni), keterbatasan ilmu kita,(ilmu kita ni bagai setitis air berbanding dengan ilmu Allah yang seluas lautan) dan kehendak kita sendiri(samada kita betul2 berserah kepada Allah atau apabila kita Berjaya semua tu adalah hasil dari usaha kita sendiri)
meja studyku yang menjadi tempat kegemaran
Apa yang saya sebut tadi,tu semua adalah modal utama untuk meraih tawakkal. Sesunggunya Allah menciptakan manusia dalam keadaan lemah, dikeluarkan dari perut ibunya tanpa mengetahui apa-apa, lalu diberi anugerah yang menjadikan manusia khilafah (pemimpin)di muka bumi ini. Namun demikian, ilmuNya tidak sebatas ilmu manusia, kemampuanNya tidak sebatas kemampuan manusia. Kesadaran tentang hal ini akan menjadi pendorong terbesar bagi seorang hamba untuk bergantung pada Allah
Akhir kalam.pernahkah anda dengar perkataan “DUIT”.Eh,ni bukan duit yang maksudnya money tu tau…huhu…
D- Doa
Jadi,selaraskan doa dan usaha serta ikhlaskan niat kita dalam menuntut ilmu kemudian bertawakkallah kepadaNya.Insyalllah,Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita…..
Wallahu A'lam