06 February 2008

today is a day...tomorrow??

lama rasanya tak mengupdate blog..bukan kerana malas tetapi kerana dikejar hambatan exam yang bukan calang2 exam(final exam ni...untuk sem 1 tahun 2)masa semakin sempit..diri terhimpit,dada sesak..please help me out!!huhu..


sikit jer lagi...bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian...u already knew that medical study is not an easy one..only choosen peoples can get through it..and u are one of them...

i must!!!
i must!!!

hari ini bersamaan 6 hb 2008 exam written pharmacology menjadi taruhan...alhamdulillah,semuanya berjalan dengan lancar..adala 2-3 soalan yang keliru but it's more better than the pathology and microb exam..

i pray...
i pray...
i pray that the prof whose marken my paper are good peoples...so that,my little mistakes will be forgiven...

then,i went to the bank(nak ambik duit,nak go Luxor pasni...yay!!yay!!but,what a dissappointment when the manager in the bank said that,server is down...so I can't wihdraw my money now..but after 30 minutes...oooo..then,where should I go to spend this 30 minutes??huhu..

ooo...my MP4..need to repair...dah rosak ari tu bila pakcik arab tu tukar cermin MP4 ni(cermin dia pecah sebab tertindih ngan buku2)...sampai hati pakcik buat saya...:-(

sambil jalan,menikmati keindahan alam...dengan aiskrim di tangan...nikmatnya..

what a disappointment....the shop also closed..huhu...so,nampaknya kena patah balik ke bank..rasanya dah cukup 30 minit..

dalam perjalanan,adusss...i see someone..dia pandang pelik jer,yerla..dah la jalan sengsorang..kebetulan semalam pun,terserempak ngan dia,dahla masa maghrib...tapi..semalam saya gi kelas mengaji..pastu balik tu,it's already maghrib..what can I do??today,with the same person again...emmm....takperla dia nak oikir apa..itu hak dia..asalkan as long i don't do nothing wrong i feel it really ok.....

actually,i don't like to walk alone...but in certain situation serba salah dibuatnya to ask my fried to accompany me..i'm afraid that i'm stealed her time..lebih2 lagi time nak exam ni..

time is like gold..maybe precious more than gold...

sometimes i like to walk around with myself..
to see the peoples around me...
with different characters...
different events..
diferent faces..some with smiling,some with anger,some with their own way..

this really made me so calm..
i don't knew why...
but i like that...
maybe this made me more appreciate my life..
how I'm being grateful to have a pair of eye that can see all these..
with a complete hand and foot to hold ice cream and to walk...
how i'm being grateful for being myself...
although sometimes i want to be anyone else..

yaa....appreciate your life,and everything will be ok then either u will face a dark tunnel without a light of candle.


M.Affan Ns said...

brjalan2 bersame aiskrim.. whee~!!

ShAfOrA BibI said...

hehe...bestla..nak rase??cubala...