13 May 2008

principle of medical ethics..

Recently,we have been taught of an interesting subject which concern on the physician role in community entirely...I found it was attracted me the most(in the 2nd sem )rather than any other subject.what i mean it is better than learning biochemistry,anatomy,physiology or other subjects we took for this sem.why i like this subject.There are several reason and the most of everything is because i never feel sleepy during the lecture of Medical Ethics..huhu..i'm just felt so great and my heart beat faster during the lecture...hehe..

Now i will tell u the general principle of Medical Ethics..

The first item is BENEFICENCE.

What this word mean actually?Let me tell u that in this context the physician must always think and act for the
patient's beneficial,in consideration about the patient's health and condition.Besides that,The physician also must be fair to all the patient without being arrogant or unfair to differ the patient's according to their economical status,race,religion or occupational status.So,there is no reason to the physician to treat the rich person or their close relatives with a better treatment and be nicer to them than any other patients..All pati
ent must get an equal care and treatment from us,the physician.All patient is same when they come to us..I wonder can i practice this attitude if one day the sick patient is my mom(just an example).How come i don't give more care and concentration to my mum than other patients.It's really difficult to be done right?

Secondly is AUTONOMY..

It is defined as the right of the patient to choose his decision.i'm still remember when the lecturer said that we as a physician doesn't have the right to force the patient when they resist our opinion although it is profitable for the patient.As an example when a man come to us and said that he suffered from severe abd
ominal pain about 3 weeks ago and after some diagnosis and investigation we found that he had final stage of tumor. Then,we recommended him to do the surgery to remove the tumor immediately otherwise he will die.But,unfortunately,he denied our decision and said that he didn't want to do the surgery.He rather to die than do the surgery.Then,what can we do??Can we force him to do the surgery?Of course the answer is never.We can't ever force him as we must respect his decision although his decision will made him suffer or even die in front of our eyes..huh..Sincerely i can't be able to bear to see him dying..

Thirdly is the principle of NON-MELEFICENCE

This word practically means "do no harm"Please be more considerate to this word.DO NO HARM means we can't do anything that can put the patient into dangerous or harmful situation either we realise it or not.That's why physician is controlled under regulations that prevent them from doing anything beyond the limitation.Otherwise Physician can prescribed the medication uncontrollable by just following their heart.
The most applicable example of this phenomenon is the use of morphine in the dying patient. Such use of morphine clinically can ease the pain and suffering of the patient, but on the other hand morphine can give side effect which is depression of the respiratory system of the patient that can lead to the death of the patient.It's sound scary right?

This 3 aspects are the basic principle in Medical Ethics that prevent doctor from doing something which are malpractice,immoral and non beneficial to the community generally.I'm as a medical student felt that these principle are very important in medicine life as a guide to us throughly in our life as a physician and also just a warning for us to put all aspect in consideration before doing something that can give bad effect to the patients.

I'm also always remember the word from one of the lecturer that said,"u are differ from other peoples.People always observed you and your action although it is very simple but it had a very big circumstances that can affect other peoples.So,always being good as u will made a good impression and a good role model to the community to be followed of."

But,in certain condition i'm quite not agreed with some aspect in medical ethics.This is just my opinion.Don't made it a very big issue ok..why i don't disagree with is when the physician doesn't have the right to force the patient to change his decision when the patient already made it.

For me,what is the most important is to save the patient's life as long as we capable to do that(but of course we can't deny the fate which had been arranged by our Almighty).For me although the patient resist the treatment which is beneficial for them,i think that we as a physician must persuaded this patient to accept the treatment until he realised the advantage of doing that and eventually and accept it.Maybe the patient already give up as he already experienced that his friends also died with the same sickness although being treated off or he thought that there is no treatment for his sickness and what he want desperately is "just to die peacefully".

Is my opinion seem to be injustice or unfair to the patients?
after all,i'm doing this for the patient's beneficence just like the first principle right?

i left all of u with this two questions...But,me personally can said that it is not easy task for us(future doctor) to be a competent,skillful and responsible doctor for the community.There were many problem and challenges that we need to overcome all the way of our learning .The basic knowledge of medicine that we had not promise that we can be an awesome and excellent doctor in the future.This must be accompanied with the splendid,honesty character of ourselves for ease of the community.

So,what we are waiting for..Let's grab the chance to be a fantabulous and superb role model physician and made Islam stand up with us,always in our heart...insyallah..

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